Battleblock theater secret levels
Battleblock theater secret levels

battleblock theater secret levels

Upon entering a chapters lobby a title card will appear, showing which chapter you entered along with a small image and caption.

battleblock theater secret levels

Each level also features one ball of Yarn that may be collected. After completing every level in a Chapter, 3 additional levels, called Encores, are unlocked. It has a light pink coloration.The main goal of each level is to reach the exit, which is only unlocked after three Gems have been collected. The Wonderwuzzle is a small spindly creature, and outside of helping players locate secret levels, it's no more than a tiny flying creature and a silly-looking one at that with one large eye and what appears to be one antennae on its' head. Here is the format you must use, numbering from left to right: Levels 1-9: Adventure Mode (Strawberry icon in the playlist - select the 'Gem' in Column 9 when holding down LT) Levels 10-14: Challenge Mode (Triangle with Exclamation Mark icon in the playlist - select the 'Clock' when holding down LT) Level 15 (Secret Level): Adventure. It cannot be killed and is not harmed by hazards. i cant help but dance along when i hear the its a secret song for the secret levels mr hatty hattington voice guy, youre amazing <3.

battleblock theater secret levels

However, where there is a Wonderwuzzle, there is a secret level (at least in the campaign) they can be found in flocks within the secret levels themselves aswell. Level 2-2 After the extended corridor of hot coal blocks, break the second explosive block over a hot coal block, then launch. The Wonderwuzzle don't do much themselves, flying and scuttling around their designated area. In level 1-7 drop down below the first laser through the fake floor. This means if you were to collect one gem in the regular level, then enter and complete the secret level right after, you'd pass the regular level but with a C marking. BattleBlock Theater Secret star heads Successfully complete the indicated.


However, when a player goes through the secret level instead of completing the level that transported them there, the game still acts as if you completed the level, giving a grade based on what you collected and how long you were in it your grading for the secret level and the regular level that houses it are seperate and each determined by the timing, amount of collected gems and if you have yarn or not, as with any other level. This level can be completed two ways - both with yarn, seven gems, a time challenge and the opportunity for an A++ rating. Normal Mode play through of level 3-9 in Battleblock Theater (Chapter 3, Act 3, Scene 3), showing how to reach the secret level, and how to find all gems and. This will unlock as soon as one of the secret levels has been discovered. Secret levels are very easy to complete, and it is almost impossible to earn any mark less than A++, you have to actually try and get less than that on a Secret level.

battleblock theater secret levels

The music that plays within a Secret level is different from a regular level, with a much more upbeat and silly tone. After completing every level in a Chapter, 3 additional levels, called Encores. Entering a secret level will cause the Narratorto announce that youve found a secret and youll be transported to the level via a screen transition. The music that plays within a Secret level is different from a regular level, with a much more upbeat and silly tone. eight chapters There are eight chapters in the game. Entering a secret level will cause the Narrator to announce that you've found a secret and you'll be transported to the level via a screen transition. Secret Levels can be found in: 1-7 2-2 3-9 4-7 5-8 6-2 7-6 8-3 (Click on the links above to see videos showing how to find and complete the secret levels).

Battleblock theater secret levels