4shadow 2.0vacoast no directlink
4shadow 2.0vacoast no directlink

However, particularly for the Linux standalone, if it fails to locate the auxiliary data, please set up the direct path of the auxiliary data package by using the command, for example, Fmask_4_6 "xxx\xxx\xxx\AuxiData". The directory of the auxiliary data usually is at the same location as the installed application.

Please see an example how to address this issue from this link. Note that previous versions do not provide any notifications even when it fails to locate the dataset, and if you have already runned the previous versions of Fmask using the Linux standalone, it is highly possible that the dataset has been ignored. In such a case, the detection of cloud and cloud shadows may not be significantly improved for Landsat data compared to the Fmask version 3.3, especially for mountain areas and water regions, where more commission errors may be resulted in, but the outputs will be more like the ones generated using version 3.3, which are also good to use. For Sentinel-2 data, the Fmask 4 can still significantly improve the detection of clouds and cloud shadows even without the auxiliray dataset, due to the new features that nothing about the auxiliary data, such as HOT-based cloud probability. This 4.6 version has substantial better cloud, cloud shadow, and snow detection results for Sentinel 2 and better results (compared to the 3.3 version that is currently being used by USGS as the Collection 1 QA Band) for Landsats 4-9.

4shadow 2.0vacoast no directlink 4shadow 2.0vacoast no directlink

This version can be used for Landsats 4-9 Collection 1/2 Level 1 product (Digital Numbers) and Sentinel-2 baseline 3/4 Level-1C product (Top Of Atmosphere reflectance) at the same time. Majority of the current Collection 1 Landsats 4-9 QA Band provided by USGS are derived form 3.3 Version of Fmask algorithm based on default parameters (cloud probability is 22.5% and buffer pixel size is 3). #4shadow 2.0 direct download link software.#4shadow 2.0 direct download link how to.

4shadow 2.0vacoast no directlink